My name is Vanessa and I am 20 something college student from Idaho with a love of children and learning. I enjoy hiking, camping, swimming, reading, and being with my family along with many other things. I love to smile and love a good laugh. I am also part of the LDS church or a Mormon. You can find out more about my religion here.
My family is amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better one. I am the 6th of 7 children and have 2 sisters and 4 brothers, 3 sisters-in-law, a brother-in-law, 4 nieces and a nephew. We have so much fun together and my siblings are some of the best friends I have.
I'm excited to share my thoughts and hope that you enjoy reading them.
Hello Vanessa! And we like the same stuff were do you like to hike and camp at? Anywhere around Rexburg? Thank you for you great missionary work you go girl! And I am looking forward to hearing from you in the future!