Friday, May 3, 2013


One of the problems in today's world is that people think it is their responsibility to inform a couple about the problems that can happen during pregnancy and that there is no need to have children at all and if they do have children to only have one or two. That if they do want children to wait until after they have finished schooling, have a career, and do whatever else because after having children their life is going to be over. My sister posted THIS on Facebook and I thought it was awesome and it goes right along with my thoughts today. It explains the need to not listen to those people so eloquently. 

My thoughts on this is that no one should have any say in a couple's childbearing decisions except the couple and God. For my own family, I want to have as many children as God blesses me and my husband with. I want nothing more than to stay at home with my children and teach them and learn from them. I think that once we realize that our children came from God and are His children that He has given to us for this temporary amount of time, they will not be a burden that we have to deal with instead they will be a blessing. 

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